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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Arrivederci Kobe Bryant?

While listening to the radio yesterday I hear a report that Kobe Bryant has cleaned out his locker at the Lakers practice facility, and they say it's likely Kobe is going to be traded away from the Lakers. This is a big deal to many Angelenos (me!), so ,I drive immediately to the practice to see about this personally. Anyone who knows me will tell you I am a huge Lakers fan. So, Kobe walks out to his car and the waiting media and says he is planning on "strapping it up" for the Lakers when the season starts in about 2 weeks , that is unless the Lakers grant him the trade he requested back in June, and the owner said last week he will do that if the right deal comes along. How the mighty have fallen since Kobe and Shaq won 3 NBA championships in a row a few years back. (sigh)
Speaking of that sinking feeling.................................
The owner had been renovating this boat, unfortunately it sank right in it's slip at Marina Del Rey overnight. A boat salvage crew was on scene and will do what they can. Sounds very expensive.No word if the satellite dish still works...

1 comment:

Megan said...

Awesome photos! I never liked Kobe.