A pyrocumulus cloud also known as a"
fire cloud" rises to heights near 20,000 feet over the Station Fire, in the Angeles National Forest northeast of Downtown LA. The cloud is caused by the heat from the fire. The fire has grown to over 45,000 acres and claimed the lives of two firefighters when their vehicle overturned in a heavy fire area.
That's one amazing looking cloud. Too bad we will be breathing it in for the next week or two.
wow, i can see that cloud from over 30 miles away
GREAT fire pix, Jonathan, as always.
I think they should create a underground irrigation system that will be high pressured and only set to turn on during a disaster such as this one with the wild fires spreading. According to the history of wildfires In LA it's always the same area and the same issues at this point we must move forward with something that will act fast during a crisis as this one, I believe if they spend over 1 billion on something that will save homes and save life's it will go on a good standing with others. Stop the fires save a life simple as that.
These are just incredible photographs. I hesitate to say "beautiful" because of the horrific nature of the subject, but ...
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