So. I was at LAX last night working on a news story about the Australian Dr Death, he was being escorted back to Oz by federal agents for trial. So, all the sudden I see a horde of flashes going off across the way, I rush over and somebody tells me it's not Dr Death, but The Dark Knight's Batman himself: Christian Bale. Suddenly I'm shooting with a pack of paparazzi as Bale arrives coincidentally for a flight at the same time as the prisoner I am trying to get photos of. Only in Hollywood!
I'm not sure how a pack of about 10 paps knew that Christian Bale was going to be on that flight. It's definitely not the most honorable way to make a buck , but it's really a whole industry upon itself and they are obviously very dialed in on the whereabouts of the rich and famous. All things considered, I think I'll keep my day job.