Greetings from Los Angeles , here are some notes and pix from a few of my photo adventures this month.

Last week I went to the Polaroid Beach House to work on a story about 87 years old Mike Silverman, who likes to crash the parties next door to his own $20 Million dollar beach house located very close to the famous celebrity enclave called the "Malibu Colony". Mike enjoys talking to all the ladies , enjoy some cocktails , and just hang out with all the beautiful people at the invitation only summer party house. The story was written by Mayrav Saar , who also is editor of the blog FishbowlLA , in the NY Times http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/26/fashion/26octogen.html

Two Brothers , Harry and Gary Hindoyan cater all the celebrity murder trial in Los Angeles, and they also are the owners of Pasadena's Burger Continental. They fed the juries and judges in the trial of O.J. Simpson , one juror claims she gained 50 pounds with the help of the Hindoyan's catered lunches. Currently the folks working the murder trial of music producer Phil Spector are enjoying a menu including Chicken kebabs, beef shish kebabs, shrimp brochettes, lamb chops,and signature plates, Chicken Erotica and Seven Veils Chicken.
Other notable cases they have catered include Robert Blake (not guilty of murdering his ex-girlfriend), the Menendez brothers (convicted of murdering their parents in Beverly Hills) and Reginald Denny’s attackers (most found not guilty of attempted murder in the beating of the truck driver during the 1992 L.A. riots). Who's hungry??

I had an easy gig photographing the facade the Cinerama Dome Theatre on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood, it has to be one of the coolest looking theatres in the world.
And the Washington Post sent me out to photograph an bug wrangler/entomologist named Steven Kutcher, the "Bug Man of Hollywood" who has worked as an adviser on many films including Spiderman, Arachnophobia. Kutcher's latest project is creating "Bug Art" , using insects as living, moving paintbrushes to fashion his art . Only in Hollywood!!

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog, enjoy the rest of summer. -JA